Saturday, December 27, 2008

a pretty boring post

December 28 2008.
There are 3 days left of the year.
holy shit.

Christmas was wonderful, I didn't get a skateboard but I did get a hammock and some other fun things. Dad's side of the fam came over for lunch, as well as our friend Damon and his mum Lorraine and step dad Jeff plus Martyn and Trace. We all ate too much and had lots of fun on the wii fit (even grandma joined in). For dinner we went to my uncle's house for dinner with Mum's side of the family, plus Damon.

Yesterday Trace and Martyn came over and we had an intense round of bowling and skiing on the wii as well as making gingerbread and going for a swim. We planned to go to montville with Jake today but there was storms forecasted so instead mum, myself, trace, martyn and my sister went to a place in west end called tempo for breakfast. Two coffees and a huge plate of bacon eggs and toast later (not to mention the amount of coffees we had altogether) we went and had a look at the mini cooper dealer a few streets away.
We then went to the emporium in the valley and went to a bookstore/coffee shop before venturing to new farm to go to the "best barista in brisbane". So more coffee. And coke and pizza in that case. We also went to the bookstore there, and unfortunately my friend Casey wasn't home because if he was, we would have been able to see him as he lives directly above the coffeeshop! (Well not directly above, but the next level up)

Going to montville on tuesday!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

I heart rangas

I love red hair...

photos courtesy of

Friday, December 19, 2008


that's right, I am housesitting. By myself. Starting boxing day, I have Bella's dogs and house to look after for a month. That's a long time. Good thing is, she lives down the road from me. (Well, kind of down the road, technically only a few streets away but the streets are long and windy ones). Basically about a 15 minute walk away from my house. I have to feed the dogs and keep the house clean and free of robbers and get to do whatever I want. The idea is pretty exciting, its almost like I'm going on holiday, but without my family! I'm basically excited for the fact that I can sleep in a different bed each night! :D (Bella comes from a family of about 7 kids and two parents). And I am ony a few streets away from home so I can go for a swim or come back to my room whenever I want. It's gonna be fun, Tracey and I are going to have a "slumber party" and eat lots of lollies and Jake is going to come hang out and sleep over so I have a snuggle-buddy.

I can't wait

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

my birthday!

So today is my birthday!
I am officially a red-head once again!
I got it dyed this morning, then came home and had a nap for about 2 hours before going to my favourite cafe the three monkeys for dinner with friends

And although I asked for everyone not to buy me anything, some people don't listen and gave me stuff anyway, so here's some fun little snaps

(from left: beautiful keys from peach, yves saint laurent "baby doll" perfume from jake, necklace from mum, photo album from peach, necklaces/ring/bag from martyn and trace)

the "birthday cake" aka slice of cake with a sparkler on top

Zac, Myself and Casey

Trace, Myself and Jake

and again with Martyn

Casey and Zac

Chai tea with honey :)

Me and Jake

It was a fun night, we sat outside at the table next to a band from brisbane whom I love, but was too shy to say hello to. We all shared a piece of cake which the cafe put a sparkler on top of and afterwards walked to a gelati shop. Even though not everyone who I invited was able to come, it was still a great night :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

happy birthday to me

Seeing as it is my birthday next tuesday and everyone has been asking me what I want, here is my birthday wish list:


A life-size gingerbread house


Itunes vouchers

Rip stick

Free coffee everyday for the rest of my life

A new guitar

A frangipani tree

The ability to surf and a surfboard

A new pair of black flats

A new pair of black skinnies

SO if any of that can be arranged, it would be greatly appreciated

:D kidding.

I know I am definately getting my hair done, (Damon has decided he is going to dye it red again like it was last year) and going to dinner I don't think I am doing much else, I'm too tired and busy to organise anything plus I don't really want a huge debacle over my birthday mum is working at a conference all day and night on the monday and tuesday anyway so something small is the way to go :)

high on life

wow, the past 3 days have been amazing!
monday we were at the theatre from 9am-9pm for dress rehersal, lighting and tech run, spacing, meeting and putting David Hudson and Mark Mannock in the show etc. Then on tuesday Nigel the percussionist flew down from cairns to be part of the show too so we had another dress rehersal with him, and that night we had the show! Before we went on stage the whole cast got together in a circle and David had us repeat after him in his indigineous language "good luck and may we be limber on our feet" (or something of the like). The show was amazing, I was on a high for hours and hours afterwards, we got so much amazing feedback, people were coming back the second night to see it again. There was quite a few important people in the audience too who loved it so that meant a lot. David, Mark, Nigel, Martyn, Tracey, Myself and a few of our family members all went out for dinner afterwards, which is sort of a ritual for us.

Yesterday we had a run through of some of the dances, the ones that were a bit messy, and we did a ballet class to get warmed up. Before the show Jake and I burnt some insence and meditated before getting ready. The sick feeling from being nervous soon came back and before we knew it, it was over! Once again we all went out for dinner, more of the cast came this time.

Good news is we are going up to cairns to do the show there, plus we got asked to do it in a festival in noosa and at the convention centre in brisbane.

Now we have "Alice in Wonderland" for the next three days and then its all done!
and then my birthday! :)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

just life at the moment...

This saturday after rehersals, Myself, Jake and Shell are driving up the coast to the spend the afternoon on the beach! I'm so so excited, I haven't been to the beach in about two years Jake's going to teach us how to surf and we are going have a well deserved break from rehersals and all the drama which has occured these past few weeks.

I would also like to point out that it is almost holiday time! I'm pretty pumped seeing as my holidays this year have been basically non-existant
This is the plans for the holidays so far (I wonder how many of these things will happen...)

- my birthday
- learning to surf
- going to "danger point" with Jakey
- Spending a week or so with Jake and his mad as dad, going to the beach to get in touch with the ocean, meditating, sleeping in hammocks and being organic

- going to Jake's waterfall in the middle of the (rain?) forest and jumping from the top into the water
- myself, Shell, Jake and possibly a few others looking after Bella's house while her and her family are on holiday

- Queensland National Ballet summer school

- resting up for next year

- hopefully some gigs

- catching up with people I haven't seen in a long time



The flier for "Yidaki"
anyone in brisbane should come see it!

next week is performance week.
the week after is my birthday.
the week after that is christmas.
The week after that is 2009.


Thursday, November 20, 2008


I graduate next week.


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Mum!

Love you lots

Friday, November 7, 2008


Wow. I have known for a little bit that christmas is close, but it only just hit me earlier this week that it is november. The second last month of the year. Almost december. Almost my graduation from my cert 4 course. Almost production time. Almost a new year. I am still trying to catch up with the last couple of months which seemed to have slipped right through my fingers.

When I think about it, I feel like I haven't achieved very much this past year. Although when I look back, I sat and passed three practical exams (as well as other exams just for the course I'm doing) as well as plenty of eisteddfods throughout the year, and in 4 weeks I will be performing two separate productions with the Queensland National Ballet Company. But I still can't believe we are in november. It freaks me out.
Earlier this week I got asked by one of my teachers (for theory) why I dance. I wasn't the only person asked, but it really got me thinking. He said, "Why do you dance? I want to hear a real reason, not just 'because I love it' "

This actually stumped me for a bit. I had never had someone ask me that before. So abruptly. I had never even thought about it.
I realised (and my response was) that when you do love something so much it becomes a part of you. You get up in the morning and come to the studio, it's just what you do. It's like breathing. You don't even realise that you do it, but without it you aren't who you are.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I love rock n roll

I have decided what to dress up as for halloween - Joan Jett!

bring it on

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Today my cousin found me on facebook. thing is, I haven't seen her or her brothers/sister in literally about 8 years. It's crazy. So crazy we started a facebook IM and couldn't think of hardly anything to say but hi, how are you etc.

I'm very weirded out right now. but in a good way.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

you better watch out

Tonight, Elf is showing on tv. It feels weird because Elf is a christmas movie, but christmas is still two months away!

But apart from that fact, it has gotten me extremely excited for christmas!

so I have made a list of all my reasons for loving the christmas season

- christmas carols (my favourite is 'baby it's cold outside')

- christmas lights/displays

- gingerbread houses

- family

- christmas movies (the family stoneeeee!)
- laaaaate night shopping right before christmas

- my brother's birthday (on christmas day!)
- my birthday a week before!
- buying and giving presents
- receiving presents isn't so bad either :)

- the overall joyous feeling

- decorations

I'm excited

Thursday, October 23, 2008


you just reading this has helped To Write Love On Her Arms
good on you!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

I can feel the pressure

I first watched this over a year and a half ago, and it still impresses me to this day

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Rainy Day

Today the rain is coming down hard and fast and I wish I could just jump back in bed and cuddle up under the covers with my book. Triple J right at this second is playing an amazing jazz song by James Brown called It's a Man's Man's World which just adds to the urge.
Instead I am about to go dance around in a leotard and tights (and maybe legwarmers today) in a ballet studio.
Have a good day!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

In the end,

"The love of a family is life's greatest blessing"

I really love my family

Monday, October 6, 2008

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Today is his 17th birthday, so everyone head over to caseypaperrock and wish him a happy birthday!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Short Stack And Friends

Yesterday I saw Short Stack! Yayayayayayayyaay. It was pretty exciting, last time they were relatively close to brisbane (gold coast, indyfest last year) I couldn't make it, so finally seeing them live was great. Even with the absense of any friends to go with!
Lucky for me however, I ran into some friends - Rain and after short stack had played, my good old friends from when I was at school, Rob and Jake. That was pretty epic, seeing them. I haven't seen Rob since the end of last year and Jake since about half way through last year. It was good to see my boys again. and Rain of course!
Anyway, we saw, sang, shimmied, danced, yelled, talked, waited in line, met, got stuff signed, hugged and left. Short but sweet :)

I forgot to take my camera, so I couldn't take any photo's, but Rain let me get a photo of me and short stack on her camera :)
so here's a pic of the boys to have a squizz at

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I think I might go and sit in Borders all day long

Monday, September 22, 2008


Lately I have been dumbfounded with how small the world really is. And how small Brisbane is. I constantly run into people I have seen on myspace, or people who know people. For example, almost every second chick I run into with friends knows my cousin Liam. Myspace is like networking heaven I swear. I find it funny when I see the "token scene kids" of Brisbane, the two in particular who I swear have every single person in Brisbane added as a "friend" on Myspace. They don't know everyone, but everyone knows them, not for good reasons though. But anyway, everyone seems to know everyone.

However, sometimes I think we aren't connected enough. I wish I knew someone who knew some certain people I tend to see a lot; hello cute boys at general pants, or cute guy who (accidentally-on-purpose) bumped into me in Darrell Lea today.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

harry potterfest

Words cannot express how excited I am. These holidays, Peach and myself are going to have a harry potterfest. We are going to bake every wizard-food imaginable; butterbeer, cauldron cakes, trecle tarts, cockroach clusters, chocolate frogs etc, and then watch all the movies from number 1-5 whilst stuffing ourselves with our food :) oh and we are going to dress up too!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I've taken a sick day.

new favourite band - the frets.
saw them on saturday night at a repeat offender gig and my goodness they are great. sounds like five o'clock heroes and they all dress extremely well. check them out. you will not be disappointed.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


we're still alive!




Saturday, September 6, 2008

starting anew

doesn't really have too much to do with this post,
but I'm going to go on a summer roadtrip in a
van like this!

To me, spring means fresh. To start anew. Today = the epitome of spring. Today was the first time since last summer I opened my window. Doesn't sound very eventful, but for me, opening my window means hot weather, sunshine, loud music, laughter, basically summer! Words cannot describe the excitement I am feeling right now! Also, today I am finally completely happy with where I am in life :) This may just last one day, or one week, but I really don't care, today is a good day. I don't know why, but I have this amazing feeling that today is the first day of the rest of my life. yayayayayayayayayayayayayayay :)

also, I have gone back to a white background, clearly! It's much more spring-friendly, don't you think?

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sophia the Samoyed.

This is Sophia.
She belongs to Martyn
However this weekend she had a sleepover
With me at Peach's house

She likes apples and banana's
As well as finding underwear and dropping them at your feet
She makes noises like a pidgeon
And her bark is the highest bark I've ever heard
She gives high-fives and is the best cuddler in the world.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Sylvie Guillem in rehersal

Wow, This week has been just a bit hectic.

already this week I have had my dance director, Martyn's birthday, my advanced 1 ballet exam, and a dance eisteddfod! amongst crazy rehersals!

So now eisteddfods are over, and so is my exam we are rehersing like mad for "Greenfest"
In short, David Hudson will be playing live with a pianist while members of the Queensland National Ballet Company and full-time school will be performing choreography by Martyn Fleming.
phew. that was a mouthfull.
This will be the first official performance from the QNB Company, so we are pretty excited!
As well as this, we are also rehersing for our production of Alice In Wonderland, which will be performed in december.
so its rehersal mania at the moment!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


The picnic on sunday was great. lots of fun.
basically there was a few of my friends from high school
, and a few of my close friends - peach, shell, casey, josh and some friends from church - perry and shorty. the church people were all having a picnic as well so we just combined our picnics together and ate lots of fish and chips, and cupcakes, ice cream from the ice cream van, played on the beach and chillaxed.

heres a few pics from the day!

just chilling and killing. you know.


casey and peach. (casey looks a lot like me here.....weird.)

we are such a band.

the old man and the dead fish.

shorty and perry. "poke her while she's down!" notice the glasses? I am Yoko.

fun times


Sunday, August 17, 2008

sorry friends.

it has come to my attention that I have


for this I am sorry.
I will make it up

last night was my hairdresser damon's birthday party
good fun
and today I went on a big massive picnic! I left my camera with peach, but photos will be shown soon!

how was your weekend?

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Happy friday!
have a fabulous day and remember, its friday!
nothing can go wrong


(and also happy 08/08/08!)


watch it. my youtube reccomendation of the day

Monday, August 4, 2008

Hi, My name is...

(Yours truly!)

so it has come to my attention that I have not posted an "introduction" blog.
seeing as it is a bit late for that, here is a few facts about me

- I love anything french and plan to live in france one day
- I drink from 2-5 cups of tea a day
- I am a full-time dancer, mainly ballet and I dance 6 days a week
- clothes excite me
- gigs are my favourite past-time
- most people think I am older than I am, which is turning 17
- I am a saggitarius
- I have two dogs - toto and zoe and a pet chicken - audrey hepburn
- I have never been in a relationship, but I am not desperate to be in one
- I never finished school
- I am quite tall for a chick
- I am desperate need of a job, but time issues make it hard for a job


Thursday, July 31, 2008

Today is...

Today is good.
not only is it a friday,

but also the first day of august!


highlights of august:

- my friend's birthday 4 august
- the "ekka" here in brisbane 7-16 aug.
- olympics start 8 august
- my ballet exam (advanced 1) 25 august

- dance teacher's birthday also 25 august

and thats all I can think of right now!
what are your highlights for august?

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

How To Make A Daisy Chain

1. Pick some daisies with long stems.

2. Use your thumbnail to slit the stalk about 2 inches below the flower.

3. Thread the stalk of another daisy through the split part of the stalk.

4. Make a slit in the 2nd daisy’s stem.

5. Thread another daisy through.

6. Repeat.

7. When finished, join the chain into a circle and wear as a crown or necklace.


Just an update...

Exciting news! Yesterday Maina Geilgud (a famous ballerina) flew to brisbane straight from Europe, along with dancer Paul DeMasson. Today they came to my studios to reherse for their upcoming performance "An Exquisite Hour". Now, keep in mind that Maina is around 65, and Paul is no spring chicken himself and the pair are the only performers in the whole show. The piece was originally choreographed by Maurice Bejart, and performed by Maina and my dance teacher/director Martyn Fleming. After Bejart passed away last year, Martyn was chosen to reherse Maina and Paul for the performance. So today myself and the rest of us full-time/company dancers at QNB were extremely excited to see Maina and Paul, and will be taking class with them in the next few days. Words cannot say how exciting this is!

(advertisment for "The Exquisite Hour". The man who is dancing when they say "Paul DeMasson" is actually my teacher Martyn!)

In other exciting news, Martyn got a new puppy! He already has a samoyed named Sophia, and Tracey, my other dance teacher/company member/pal has one named Spartacus, and the newest little samoyed is called Saidyia! (Say-dee-ah, which means Blessed and Fortunate). She is the cutest thing on the earth! She was picked up from the airport yesterday, and is already fitting in perfectly. She loves to watch us do ballet class and can already do hi-fives :)
I'll get some pics soon!

andddd I'm still too lazy to post about the formal ha.

Monday, July 28, 2008


Formal was lovely.

I will elaborate later, when its not so cold.
and when I have some nice pics.

for now check out
for a bit of an update of the big night.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

if you're bored...

thumbs up for our blogs!

I think you should check out my cousin Liam's blog!

in other news, I'm going to my friend casey's formal on saturday night!
I guess you could say I'm a bit excited...

Monday, July 21, 2008

So on sunday I went and saw an acoustic gig at The Hive (an acoustic venue in Brisbane). The bands who played were – Jake Wood, The Attendance, Ladies and Gentlemen and ELLINGTON. It was only $10, and believe me, it was worth every cent.

Jake Wood started the afternoon off with some lovely vocals accompanied by his guitar. After not seeing him play for a while, he sounded like he had improved a great deal, or maybe I just had forgotten how great he always was! Either way, he played a great set.

Next up, The Attendance played. The 4 boys confessed to not being used to playing acoustically, but they did an amazing job. They were a delight to watch and were very enjoyable. The only let down is that the demo of theirs I picked up only has two songs on it! Not nearly enough!

For the next act, Ladies and Gentlemen were up. These lads are a favourite of mine, I saw them last time they were up from Sydney, and I have to say, they do not disappoint! I highly recommend you checking them out, they have a great sound, and even though they played an “acoustic” set, they still managed to add some awesome sounds in, synth and the like. Their 5-song EP is very rad, but if I could have it my way it would be at LEAST double the length! although, I should just be happy that I got both the mentioned cd’s for free! :D

Lastly but definitely not least was ELLINGTON. Jake and Michael are basically musical geniuses, to say the least. They played a sensational set, with lovely vocals and guitar work. I always love the fact that Jake plays a right hand guitar and Michael plays a left. I know its not a deliberate decision to do that, but it always makes me smile. What I did not know before the gig was how lovely Michael’s voice is! I’ve never really heard him sing, and this was the first time I’ve actually seen him sing a solo part! He looked a little self-conscious, but he sounded wonderful! Like always, they were a pleasure to watch and I definitely think everyone should check them out! (and maybe buy a copy of their EP “The Joy We Keep In” or their new one, when it bloody comes out!)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Teapot of the day/week/year/universe!

I just found this picture, and I am in love!

what a cool teapot!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

What a week!

Me waiting at one of the many bus stops I have been at this past week.

The past week has been definately one of the best weeks I have had for a very very long time.

I'll start with last sunday. After a dance competition I met up with my friend caseyscott at his lovely apartment. We caught a bus to the city and stuffed our faces with american sized slices of pizza, before heading to the "pancake manor" for, you guessed it, pancakes. For a sunday night it was quite busy, but thats expected for the pancake manor, the amount of times I have rocked up there and not been able to get a table because it is so busy, well its happened quite a lot. After finishing our stack of pancakes we walked to the cinema where we saw Sex and the City. I'm ashamed to say, that was the first time we had seen it, even though it has been out for aaaaages! >.< The next day we wnt to brunch at a cafe inside an old movie theatre and drank tea. To end the day we went shoe shopping!

On tuesday, my best friend peaches and I decided to walk to video ezy which was the middle point between our houses. After eating lunch we walked bak to peach's house. For dinner we had dominoes and while we were waiting for the pizza, we saw our friends dylan and smee and their friends todd and another boy whose name has escaped me. After dinner we went to my house for an impromtu sleepover and the next day we caught a bus into the city. After a breezy morning and a bit of hottie spotting, " as we were going to walk to Elizebeth Arcade and Kill The Music a well dressed guy came up to us and introduced himself and asked if we wanted a free haircut because he had no clients. We were a litty iffy but went anyway. Turned out he worked at a hair salon called "heaven" which was like Heaven! It was really nice and he trimmed and thinned my hair really well and washed it with really good products and it smelt lovely. He spent about 2 hrs on my hair for free! His name was Luke and he ran out of time so is gonna call Frank so she can have a free haircut too, and they are doing a hair show soon too which they said we could maybe be in. We then left pretty excited and started talking to a guy who gave us free gym passes and watched him rave dance." (quote peach!)
Before going home, we went and got a six pack of krispy kremes which were delicious.

On thursday night at 6 peach, myself and our friend hannah went to a church near our house to see our friend Tom's band "Map Firmosa" play. They were extremely good, and after chatting for a while when the gig was over we went to late night shopping with lots of other lovely people.

Okay I am almost finished I promise! On friday evening peach and I caught a bus into the city. I met up with casey and peach met up with her boyfriend josh. casey and I went to a gig at "the hive" to see our friend Candice play. It was the first time we had actually met in person, after speaking via myspace for a while and she was just as lovely in person. With the help of casey, I won a free cd which was great! We left the gig early to meet up with peach, josh, dylan and smee and we all went for some food. my friend dave was working at maccas so I got my food for free! thanks dave :) I bought some shoes and before we knew it, it was time to go home! To finish off the week, this morning was my friends birthday party at a skating rink! It was great fun!

so that was my week! It's back to dancing tomorrow, and into term three. Tell me, how was your week?

Saturday, July 5, 2008

please, will somebody just take me to paris and buy me an apartment...

I'm in love

