Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Just an update...

Exciting news! Yesterday Maina Geilgud (a famous ballerina) flew to brisbane straight from Europe, along with dancer Paul DeMasson. Today they came to my studios to reherse for their upcoming performance "An Exquisite Hour". Now, keep in mind that Maina is around 65, and Paul is no spring chicken himself and the pair are the only performers in the whole show. The piece was originally choreographed by Maurice Bejart, and performed by Maina and my dance teacher/director Martyn Fleming. After Bejart passed away last year, Martyn was chosen to reherse Maina and Paul for the performance. So today myself and the rest of us full-time/company dancers at QNB were extremely excited to see Maina and Paul, and will be taking class with them in the next few days. Words cannot say how exciting this is!

(advertisment for "The Exquisite Hour". The man who is dancing when they say "Paul DeMasson" is actually my teacher Martyn!)

In other exciting news, Martyn got a new puppy! He already has a samoyed named Sophia, and Tracey, my other dance teacher/company member/pal has one named Spartacus, and the newest little samoyed is called Saidyia! (Say-dee-ah, which means Blessed and Fortunate). She is the cutest thing on the earth! She was picked up from the airport yesterday, and is already fitting in perfectly. She loves to watch us do ballet class and can already do hi-fives :)
I'll get some pics soon!

andddd I'm still too lazy to post about the formal ha.

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