Monday, September 22, 2008


Lately I have been dumbfounded with how small the world really is. And how small Brisbane is. I constantly run into people I have seen on myspace, or people who know people. For example, almost every second chick I run into with friends knows my cousin Liam. Myspace is like networking heaven I swear. I find it funny when I see the "token scene kids" of Brisbane, the two in particular who I swear have every single person in Brisbane added as a "friend" on Myspace. They don't know everyone, but everyone knows them, not for good reasons though. But anyway, everyone seems to know everyone.

However, sometimes I think we aren't connected enough. I wish I knew someone who knew some certain people I tend to see a lot; hello cute boys at general pants, or cute guy who (accidentally-on-purpose) bumped into me in Darrell Lea today.

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