Saturday, December 27, 2008

a pretty boring post

December 28 2008.
There are 3 days left of the year.
holy shit.

Christmas was wonderful, I didn't get a skateboard but I did get a hammock and some other fun things. Dad's side of the fam came over for lunch, as well as our friend Damon and his mum Lorraine and step dad Jeff plus Martyn and Trace. We all ate too much and had lots of fun on the wii fit (even grandma joined in). For dinner we went to my uncle's house for dinner with Mum's side of the family, plus Damon.

Yesterday Trace and Martyn came over and we had an intense round of bowling and skiing on the wii as well as making gingerbread and going for a swim. We planned to go to montville with Jake today but there was storms forecasted so instead mum, myself, trace, martyn and my sister went to a place in west end called tempo for breakfast. Two coffees and a huge plate of bacon eggs and toast later (not to mention the amount of coffees we had altogether) we went and had a look at the mini cooper dealer a few streets away.
We then went to the emporium in the valley and went to a bookstore/coffee shop before venturing to new farm to go to the "best barista in brisbane". So more coffee. And coke and pizza in that case. We also went to the bookstore there, and unfortunately my friend Casey wasn't home because if he was, we would have been able to see him as he lives directly above the coffeeshop! (Well not directly above, but the next level up)

Going to montville on tuesday!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

I heart rangas

I love red hair...

photos courtesy of

Friday, December 19, 2008


that's right, I am housesitting. By myself. Starting boxing day, I have Bella's dogs and house to look after for a month. That's a long time. Good thing is, she lives down the road from me. (Well, kind of down the road, technically only a few streets away but the streets are long and windy ones). Basically about a 15 minute walk away from my house. I have to feed the dogs and keep the house clean and free of robbers and get to do whatever I want. The idea is pretty exciting, its almost like I'm going on holiday, but without my family! I'm basically excited for the fact that I can sleep in a different bed each night! :D (Bella comes from a family of about 7 kids and two parents). And I am ony a few streets away from home so I can go for a swim or come back to my room whenever I want. It's gonna be fun, Tracey and I are going to have a "slumber party" and eat lots of lollies and Jake is going to come hang out and sleep over so I have a snuggle-buddy.

I can't wait

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

my birthday!

So today is my birthday!
I am officially a red-head once again!
I got it dyed this morning, then came home and had a nap for about 2 hours before going to my favourite cafe the three monkeys for dinner with friends

And although I asked for everyone not to buy me anything, some people don't listen and gave me stuff anyway, so here's some fun little snaps

(from left: beautiful keys from peach, yves saint laurent "baby doll" perfume from jake, necklace from mum, photo album from peach, necklaces/ring/bag from martyn and trace)

the "birthday cake" aka slice of cake with a sparkler on top

Zac, Myself and Casey

Trace, Myself and Jake

and again with Martyn

Casey and Zac

Chai tea with honey :)

Me and Jake

It was a fun night, we sat outside at the table next to a band from brisbane whom I love, but was too shy to say hello to. We all shared a piece of cake which the cafe put a sparkler on top of and afterwards walked to a gelati shop. Even though not everyone who I invited was able to come, it was still a great night :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

happy birthday to me

Seeing as it is my birthday next tuesday and everyone has been asking me what I want, here is my birthday wish list:


A life-size gingerbread house


Itunes vouchers

Rip stick

Free coffee everyday for the rest of my life

A new guitar

A frangipani tree

The ability to surf and a surfboard

A new pair of black flats

A new pair of black skinnies

SO if any of that can be arranged, it would be greatly appreciated

:D kidding.

I know I am definately getting my hair done, (Damon has decided he is going to dye it red again like it was last year) and going to dinner I don't think I am doing much else, I'm too tired and busy to organise anything plus I don't really want a huge debacle over my birthday mum is working at a conference all day and night on the monday and tuesday anyway so something small is the way to go :)

high on life

wow, the past 3 days have been amazing!
monday we were at the theatre from 9am-9pm for dress rehersal, lighting and tech run, spacing, meeting and putting David Hudson and Mark Mannock in the show etc. Then on tuesday Nigel the percussionist flew down from cairns to be part of the show too so we had another dress rehersal with him, and that night we had the show! Before we went on stage the whole cast got together in a circle and David had us repeat after him in his indigineous language "good luck and may we be limber on our feet" (or something of the like). The show was amazing, I was on a high for hours and hours afterwards, we got so much amazing feedback, people were coming back the second night to see it again. There was quite a few important people in the audience too who loved it so that meant a lot. David, Mark, Nigel, Martyn, Tracey, Myself and a few of our family members all went out for dinner afterwards, which is sort of a ritual for us.

Yesterday we had a run through of some of the dances, the ones that were a bit messy, and we did a ballet class to get warmed up. Before the show Jake and I burnt some insence and meditated before getting ready. The sick feeling from being nervous soon came back and before we knew it, it was over! Once again we all went out for dinner, more of the cast came this time.

Good news is we are going up to cairns to do the show there, plus we got asked to do it in a festival in noosa and at the convention centre in brisbane.

Now we have "Alice in Wonderland" for the next three days and then its all done!
and then my birthday! :)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

just life at the moment...

This saturday after rehersals, Myself, Jake and Shell are driving up the coast to the spend the afternoon on the beach! I'm so so excited, I haven't been to the beach in about two years Jake's going to teach us how to surf and we are going have a well deserved break from rehersals and all the drama which has occured these past few weeks.

I would also like to point out that it is almost holiday time! I'm pretty pumped seeing as my holidays this year have been basically non-existant
This is the plans for the holidays so far (I wonder how many of these things will happen...)

- my birthday
- learning to surf
- going to "danger point" with Jakey
- Spending a week or so with Jake and his mad as dad, going to the beach to get in touch with the ocean, meditating, sleeping in hammocks and being organic

- going to Jake's waterfall in the middle of the (rain?) forest and jumping from the top into the water
- myself, Shell, Jake and possibly a few others looking after Bella's house while her and her family are on holiday

- Queensland National Ballet summer school

- resting up for next year

- hopefully some gigs

- catching up with people I haven't seen in a long time



The flier for "Yidaki"
anyone in brisbane should come see it!

next week is performance week.
the week after is my birthday.
the week after that is christmas.
The week after that is 2009.
