Saturday, September 6, 2008

starting anew

doesn't really have too much to do with this post,
but I'm going to go on a summer roadtrip in a
van like this!

To me, spring means fresh. To start anew. Today = the epitome of spring. Today was the first time since last summer I opened my window. Doesn't sound very eventful, but for me, opening my window means hot weather, sunshine, loud music, laughter, basically summer! Words cannot describe the excitement I am feeling right now! Also, today I am finally completely happy with where I am in life :) This may just last one day, or one week, but I really don't care, today is a good day. I don't know why, but I have this amazing feeling that today is the first day of the rest of my life. yayayayayayayayayayayayayayay :)

also, I have gone back to a white background, clearly! It's much more spring-friendly, don't you think?


Anonymous said...

To me, it's not spring or summer until it's too hot to wear skinny jeans all the time.

Screw the flowers and plants, when you see me in shorts, you KNOW it's the warm seasons.

Liam said...


Kayla Ice said...

Oh totally. Opening a window let's everything new in. It's a wonderful, wonderful spring tradition!

Sparrow said...

OH i too am excited it is spring time, becuase what comes next...SUMMER, yes summer, that time of year where walkin gaorunf with practically nothing on is acceptable! i have always wanted a sweet combi to paint on too...have fun on your road trip, if i see a sweet combi on my bicycle adventures, i promise not to plunder it!!!

A. said...

Glad how happy you are! Where I live, we are now going into fall :)