Thursday, July 31, 2008

Today is...

Today is good.
not only is it a friday,

but also the first day of august!


highlights of august:

- my friend's birthday 4 august
- the "ekka" here in brisbane 7-16 aug.
- olympics start 8 august
- my ballet exam (advanced 1) 25 august

- dance teacher's birthday also 25 august

and thats all I can think of right now!
what are your highlights for august?

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

How To Make A Daisy Chain

1. Pick some daisies with long stems.

2. Use your thumbnail to slit the stalk about 2 inches below the flower.

3. Thread the stalk of another daisy through the split part of the stalk.

4. Make a slit in the 2nd daisy’s stem.

5. Thread another daisy through.

6. Repeat.

7. When finished, join the chain into a circle and wear as a crown or necklace.


Just an update...

Exciting news! Yesterday Maina Geilgud (a famous ballerina) flew to brisbane straight from Europe, along with dancer Paul DeMasson. Today they came to my studios to reherse for their upcoming performance "An Exquisite Hour". Now, keep in mind that Maina is around 65, and Paul is no spring chicken himself and the pair are the only performers in the whole show. The piece was originally choreographed by Maurice Bejart, and performed by Maina and my dance teacher/director Martyn Fleming. After Bejart passed away last year, Martyn was chosen to reherse Maina and Paul for the performance. So today myself and the rest of us full-time/company dancers at QNB were extremely excited to see Maina and Paul, and will be taking class with them in the next few days. Words cannot say how exciting this is!

(advertisment for "The Exquisite Hour". The man who is dancing when they say "Paul DeMasson" is actually my teacher Martyn!)

In other exciting news, Martyn got a new puppy! He already has a samoyed named Sophia, and Tracey, my other dance teacher/company member/pal has one named Spartacus, and the newest little samoyed is called Saidyia! (Say-dee-ah, which means Blessed and Fortunate). She is the cutest thing on the earth! She was picked up from the airport yesterday, and is already fitting in perfectly. She loves to watch us do ballet class and can already do hi-fives :)
I'll get some pics soon!

andddd I'm still too lazy to post about the formal ha.

Monday, July 28, 2008


Formal was lovely.

I will elaborate later, when its not so cold.
and when I have some nice pics.

for now check out
for a bit of an update of the big night.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

if you're bored...

thumbs up for our blogs!

I think you should check out my cousin Liam's blog!

in other news, I'm going to my friend casey's formal on saturday night!
I guess you could say I'm a bit excited...

Monday, July 21, 2008

So on sunday I went and saw an acoustic gig at The Hive (an acoustic venue in Brisbane). The bands who played were – Jake Wood, The Attendance, Ladies and Gentlemen and ELLINGTON. It was only $10, and believe me, it was worth every cent.

Jake Wood started the afternoon off with some lovely vocals accompanied by his guitar. After not seeing him play for a while, he sounded like he had improved a great deal, or maybe I just had forgotten how great he always was! Either way, he played a great set.

Next up, The Attendance played. The 4 boys confessed to not being used to playing acoustically, but they did an amazing job. They were a delight to watch and were very enjoyable. The only let down is that the demo of theirs I picked up only has two songs on it! Not nearly enough!

For the next act, Ladies and Gentlemen were up. These lads are a favourite of mine, I saw them last time they were up from Sydney, and I have to say, they do not disappoint! I highly recommend you checking them out, they have a great sound, and even though they played an “acoustic” set, they still managed to add some awesome sounds in, synth and the like. Their 5-song EP is very rad, but if I could have it my way it would be at LEAST double the length! although, I should just be happy that I got both the mentioned cd’s for free! :D

Lastly but definitely not least was ELLINGTON. Jake and Michael are basically musical geniuses, to say the least. They played a sensational set, with lovely vocals and guitar work. I always love the fact that Jake plays a right hand guitar and Michael plays a left. I know its not a deliberate decision to do that, but it always makes me smile. What I did not know before the gig was how lovely Michael’s voice is! I’ve never really heard him sing, and this was the first time I’ve actually seen him sing a solo part! He looked a little self-conscious, but he sounded wonderful! Like always, they were a pleasure to watch and I definitely think everyone should check them out! (and maybe buy a copy of their EP “The Joy We Keep In” or their new one, when it bloody comes out!)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Teapot of the day/week/year/universe!

I just found this picture, and I am in love!

what a cool teapot!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

What a week!

Me waiting at one of the many bus stops I have been at this past week.

The past week has been definately one of the best weeks I have had for a very very long time.

I'll start with last sunday. After a dance competition I met up with my friend caseyscott at his lovely apartment. We caught a bus to the city and stuffed our faces with american sized slices of pizza, before heading to the "pancake manor" for, you guessed it, pancakes. For a sunday night it was quite busy, but thats expected for the pancake manor, the amount of times I have rocked up there and not been able to get a table because it is so busy, well its happened quite a lot. After finishing our stack of pancakes we walked to the cinema where we saw Sex and the City. I'm ashamed to say, that was the first time we had seen it, even though it has been out for aaaaages! >.< The next day we wnt to brunch at a cafe inside an old movie theatre and drank tea. To end the day we went shoe shopping!

On tuesday, my best friend peaches and I decided to walk to video ezy which was the middle point between our houses. After eating lunch we walked bak to peach's house. For dinner we had dominoes and while we were waiting for the pizza, we saw our friends dylan and smee and their friends todd and another boy whose name has escaped me. After dinner we went to my house for an impromtu sleepover and the next day we caught a bus into the city. After a breezy morning and a bit of hottie spotting, " as we were going to walk to Elizebeth Arcade and Kill The Music a well dressed guy came up to us and introduced himself and asked if we wanted a free haircut because he had no clients. We were a litty iffy but went anyway. Turned out he worked at a hair salon called "heaven" which was like Heaven! It was really nice and he trimmed and thinned my hair really well and washed it with really good products and it smelt lovely. He spent about 2 hrs on my hair for free! His name was Luke and he ran out of time so is gonna call Frank so she can have a free haircut too, and they are doing a hair show soon too which they said we could maybe be in. We then left pretty excited and started talking to a guy who gave us free gym passes and watched him rave dance." (quote peach!)
Before going home, we went and got a six pack of krispy kremes which were delicious.

On thursday night at 6 peach, myself and our friend hannah went to a church near our house to see our friend Tom's band "Map Firmosa" play. They were extremely good, and after chatting for a while when the gig was over we went to late night shopping with lots of other lovely people.

Okay I am almost finished I promise! On friday evening peach and I caught a bus into the city. I met up with casey and peach met up with her boyfriend josh. casey and I went to a gig at "the hive" to see our friend Candice play. It was the first time we had actually met in person, after speaking via myspace for a while and she was just as lovely in person. With the help of casey, I won a free cd which was great! We left the gig early to meet up with peach, josh, dylan and smee and we all went for some food. my friend dave was working at maccas so I got my food for free! thanks dave :) I bought some shoes and before we knew it, it was time to go home! To finish off the week, this morning was my friends birthday party at a skating rink! It was great fun!

so that was my week! It's back to dancing tomorrow, and into term three. Tell me, how was your week?

Saturday, July 5, 2008

please, will somebody just take me to paris and buy me an apartment...

I'm in love



Thursday, July 3, 2008

"After a while you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul and you learn that love doesn't mean leaning and company doesn't always mean security. And you begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts and presents aren't promises and you begin to accept your defeats with your head up and your eyes ahead with the grace of woman, not the grief of a child and you learn to build all your roads on today because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans and futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight. After a while you learn that even sunshine burns if you get too much so you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers. And you learn that you really can endure you really are strong you really do have worth and you learn and you learn with every goodbye, you learn..."

Veronica A. Shoffstall.