Thursday, January 1, 2009

Have New Years Resolutions Called It A Day?

Happy New Year!
Is it just me or is anyone else already over saying that? Maybe it's because I spent all day on the lounge watching daytime tv and every news bulletin started off with wishing everyone a happy year.

So welcome to 2009. We are nearly at the end of the 00's. Another decade has come and just about gone. I can still remember the hype surrounding the beginning of the year 2000. And quite frankly, I am really freaked that 8 years has passed so quickly.

Today being the first day of the new year, most people are nursing hangovers and headaches from the night before, a night of champagne, parties, fireworks, fun and celebration. Today it is out with the old and in with the new, and time to start those new years resolutions. I have already broken mine, which was to get out of the house at least once every day. Some resolutions are big, some small, and some just plain ridiculous. However I couldn't help but notice the amount of people not setting a goal this year. Have New Years Resolutions called it a day?

This might sound completely "miss america" but I think that new years resolutions are good way to help make the world a better place. Lately all we are thinking about is the economic crisis, and what with the "going green" movement being forced down our throats every other day people don't care for things like new years resolutions anymore. However, if we were to combine both the NYR and doing something for either the environment or being more responsible with our money, that is already making a difference. Say for example, your NYR was to do something simple like turning off all electricity when it is not being used, that is being eco-friendly and helping the world and is an easy way for you to keep your NYR.

So with that said, who HAS made a NYR and do you plan on following it through if you have?

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