Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Belated V day

I baked gingerbread people and a V-day cake for my friends

and I gave a cute boy my number
(well, my friend gave it for me...)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Are you kidding me?

My Chemical Romance has completely ruined Bob Dylan's Desolation Row.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


"i like birthdays. i like them more for other people but i'm glad we celebrate them. At the heart of it is the opportunity to tell someone "I'm glad that you were born", which is also to say "I'm glad that you're alive." Those are powerful statements. The world would be a different better place if we lived that way, if we said and showed those things, more than once a year.

i hope TWLOHA can be something like that, an attempt to say those things more often, to say that we are thankful for life and stories and certainly yours. i hope that we can be something like a gift, something like a favorite song or some show that you remember, some piece of hope or life or strength to hold against the walls when they feel cracked or falling. i hope we can be a reminder that life is worth fighting for, that your friends and family are worth fighting for, that love and beauty still happen, that change still happens. We'll only ever be part of the process, words on a screen in the middle of the night - i hope they find you like a friend. A t-shirt pulled from one of your drawers early on a tired silent morning - i hope you feel less alone when you look in the mirror. i hope it reminds you of community, that you're part of a bigger thing. i hope it sparks some conversation that brings change like a fire on the coldest night.

You'll need more than us. You'll need more and better. You'll need other people. You'll need people to help you process, people to help you let go, people to help you remember what's true and people to help you forget what's lies. You'll need the stories and advice of people with gray hair or white hair or no hair at all. Don't buy the lie that suggests they have nothing to offer or nothing to say - they were young once too. They are stories still going and they've seen the places you will go. They've been stuck at times as well, just like you and me and everyone.

You'll need coffee shops and sunsets and road trips. Airplanes and passports and new songs and old songs, but people more than anything else. You will need other people and you will need to be that other person to someone else, a living breathing screaming invitation to believe better things.

We're saying the story doesn't end here, that the air in your lungs is there for a reason. Perhaps we're all in the business of better endings, you as much as us, the business of redemption. Yours and mine and all the characters around us, and perhaps that bigger thing. i'll steal from Bono here and tell you that i believe we're far from alone in this, that God's been at this for a long time, this business of buying things back, making things new. If this is starting to sound too Churchy or spiritual, i'll simply say that i believe God gives a shit, about your life, about your story, about your pain. And if those possibilities feel too far or they just sound weird, then rest now and we'll get back to people.

We give a shit.

The darkness wins too often. Broken things build themselves in silence. People feel alone. People give up. People talk about this stuff like it's math or they don't talk about it at all.

So what are we doing? Why this page? Why the shirts? Why did a group of young people put their lives on hold and move to Florida a week ago? Why would they trade everything they know, all their normal comfort and quiet, for a crowded house and endless hours of this word "community"? Why would they want to join a conversation that most people run from?

We're trying to fight for people with kindness, with words that move, with honesty and creativity. We're trying to push back at suicide with compassion, with hope. We're pointing to wisdom, pointing to medicine, saying that hope is real, help is real. We're fighting for our own stories, our own friends and families, our own broken hearts. We're saying there's nothing we can't talk about, nothing off-limits. We're kicking elephants out of living rooms, making room for life.

You. It's about you. This is for you. It's crap unless it moves you, crap unless it connects with your story, meets you in your pain, reminds you of your dreams, reminds you what's possible.

We're still alive, you see. You and i on this night that's never happened before, spread out across a giant circle, winter on one side and summer on the other, day and night the same. And then it moves and turns and changes. Things are always changing.

We are glad that you were born.
We are glad that you're alive.

Don't give up. Don't give up on your story. Don't give up on the people you love. Hope is real. Love is real. It's all worth fighting for.

Peace to you tonight.

PS: If you're wondering where the heck this came from, i turned 29 today. It's enough to make you think... : )"

- Jamie Tworkowski (To Write Love On Her Arms)

Friday, January 23, 2009

Just For Fun

Last weekend I went for breakfast with these two amazing people. I have the most inspiring friends :)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

66th Annual Golden Globes Awards

So just in case there hasn't been enough reviews on the Golden Globes fashion, here is another one!

Best Dressed -

January Jones - January looks like a modern-day Cinderella. Her hair looks stunning, and the red lipstick tops it all off. Easily best dressed of the night.

Worst Dressed -
Angelina Jolie - Oh, honey.

Most Fun -

Heidi Klum - Love Love Love it! She looks like she could be Carrie Bradshaw

Honorable mentions -Elizabeth Banks - The colour, shape, detail of the dress are perfect. The hair is beautiful and accessories are right on.

Kate Beckinsale - I don't even know where to begin with the dress, everything about it is perfection. I just think something different with the hair could have worked.

Anne Hathaway - There are no words.

Cameron Diaz - love the dress, hate the hair. Kudos for the colour though!

Amanda Seyfried - The dress is lovely, hair and make-up are stunning but the something is missing which makes it breath-taking.

Vanessa Hudgens - Although she looks a little tired and well, sick, Miss Hudgens has definately got style and this dress is absolutely stunning.

Horrible Mentions -

Blake Lively - The dress could have been nice, if it fitted! The hair looks too ratty for the dress and even though you can't see them, the shoes so don't go.

Miley Cyrus - Euck. Hair is horrible, Dress is awful, and she looks like Pamela Anderson with her tits hanging out like that!

Olivia Wilde - Let's not even go there.

Monday, January 12, 2009

dayum africa

I know I haven't blogged in a bit but I haven't really had anything TO blog about!

Last week on thursday I went up the coast to stay with my little friend Bella and her family at their caravan on Dicky Beach.
I stayed untill staurday and one night for dinner had a deep-fried mars bar :D

Today I did my first ballet class for about a month. Wow, that hurt.
But apart from that I haven't done much else minus helping Damon unpack his house and home office.

Hopefully will have some interesting things to blog about soon and some pretty pictures...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Have New Years Resolutions Called It A Day?

Happy New Year!
Is it just me or is anyone else already over saying that? Maybe it's because I spent all day on the lounge watching daytime tv and every news bulletin started off with wishing everyone a happy year.

So welcome to 2009. We are nearly at the end of the 00's. Another decade has come and just about gone. I can still remember the hype surrounding the beginning of the year 2000. And quite frankly, I am really freaked that 8 years has passed so quickly.

Today being the first day of the new year, most people are nursing hangovers and headaches from the night before, a night of champagne, parties, fireworks, fun and celebration. Today it is out with the old and in with the new, and time to start those new years resolutions. I have already broken mine, which was to get out of the house at least once every day. Some resolutions are big, some small, and some just plain ridiculous. However I couldn't help but notice the amount of people not setting a goal this year. Have New Years Resolutions called it a day?

This might sound completely "miss america" but I think that new years resolutions are good way to help make the world a better place. Lately all we are thinking about is the economic crisis, and what with the "going green" movement being forced down our throats every other day people don't care for things like new years resolutions anymore. However, if we were to combine both the NYR and doing something for either the environment or being more responsible with our money, that is already making a difference. Say for example, your NYR was to do something simple like turning off all electricity when it is not being used, that is being eco-friendly and helping the world and is an easy way for you to keep your NYR.

So with that said, who HAS made a NYR and do you plan on following it through if you have?